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Spiritual Crossroads


Congratulations on finding your way to this space! You have done some soul-searching to arrive at a crossroads because you had to get here from somewhere. In this space, we will work together to understand your struggles with spirituality, belief systems, and questions about childhood faith origins. This is a safe space where you can question your faith and fight with God.

The work here will involve exploration and challenge of your current belief system, a respectable amount of homework, and can include aspects of spiritual direction, depending on your needs. In this space, you might meet once or twice a month so that you will have time in between to work on the assigned homework. 

It is my goal that, at the end of our time here, you are relatively secure in who you are and whose you are. Questions may still linger, but you are confident in what you know about your own spirituality and how to continue exploring your questions.

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